Fan made Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D "REAL SHIELD" plaque
This resin casting measures 9 3/4" tall x 8 1/2" wide x 1/2" thick and has been aged with a dark blue green appearance
has a hanger on the back for mounting on a wall or door
ATTENTION: If you've been asked to purchase this item by a third party I kindly ask you to reconsider. I have stopped selling to that buyer because in the past he has made copies of my pieces then and sells them as his own. I really enjoy creating these pieces and I work hard to get them perfect. Its very frustrating to then see them being copied and sold by another seller. I ask you to please respect the time and effort I put into the creative process. It would be greatly appreciated Thank you!!
please note that I cannot ship to mail forwarding services